Can I sue SCO for malicious and premeditated assault? I may have ruptured something as a result of reading this.
Yeah, I had my own rant on this a couple weeks ago.. But I'm a lot calmer now. This is all going to blow over, and at the end of it, SCO will have egg on their face, and will probably be paying damages as a result of their extortion and barratry.

Really, this is just the next logical step in the cottage industry known as Patent Exploitation. Slashdot has another frivolous patent story every third day, and until the Judicial system steps into action and sets a clear precedent against this type of racketeering, this activity will keep escalating, and everyone who's ever filed a nebulous patent will claim the entire world owes them 100 billion dollars and a tank full of sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.

Actually, if you think about it, SCO is doing us all a favor. By engaging in such a blatant abuse of the spirt and letter of copyright laws, they're getting peoples' attention, and the backlash will probably significantly slow the spread of this disease. U.S. lawmakers are already starting to take notice, and if SCO does face legal or financial repercussions from this, other would-be patent bucaneers will think twice before they try to con people into giving them money.

So, in summay..

Hooray for SCO!

- Tony C
my empeg stuff