I got tired of plugging in wires every time I came into the house with the Empeg, so I made myself a docking station. It's interior is similar to Mark Lord's docks in that it does not use a metal dock, but MDF with strategic dadoes and cutouts. Some of the design was definately lifted from his, and now I appreciate the amount of labor that is going into producing his docks en masse. The outside is a box made of solid curly maple sides and stained cherry top and bottoms, with curly maple inlay. The docked ethernet is actually very easy to make, since the midpoint of the ethernet port on the Empeg is 1/2" off the bottom of the player. This means that you can rout a dado (groove) in a piece of 1/2" MDF, cut it in two and glue it back together, and you have a perfect hole in the interior for a RJ-45 head. I used a 1/2" router bit on the table to rout this groove (you just have to experiment with the depth), but you could also do it with a stacked dado set on the tablesaw.

I set up a gallery for the dock at riocar.org. Here is a pic of the finished product:

Mark Cushman