After linking to a url on my personal web server from a posting here, I was monitoring bandwidth usage and happened to notice more non-IE user-agents than I had expected.

IE 6: 13
IE 5: 1
Safari: 1
NS 7: 1
Mozilla/Firebird: 7
Opera: 4
wget: 1

Looks like empeg users are ahead of the curve (duh), but this is quite a small sampling. Still, I'm impressed at almost 50% being non-IE.

What browsers and OS's do empeg users use?

Personally, I use Mozilla Firebird on Windows XP or Win2k and IE6 for those few ecommerce sites that simply don't work right in anything but IE..
Hello, my name is Bingo. I like to climb on things. Can I have a banana? eek eek.