The system is comprised of 4 processors. The NFS computer which is the one that I am replacing, it runs Windows NT4 Server. The Primary Work Station, this also runs Windows NT4 Server. The PWS can be switched over to take the place of the NFS by going through a failover routine that primarily just chages the IP address of the box. The Frame Processor which is a VME motorola processor that interfaces with the scanners. The Decision Processor which crunches the data from the Frame Processor and determines how the machine setworks will respond to the scanned image. The NFS is the machine on which system parameters are entered and also contains the Sql Database that holds all of the data and production shift variables. The PWS is the machine that can work as a backup and also contains the MMI for the actual machine. I work for a lumber company. This particular machine is a board edger. The system scans each board and produces a 3d image of the piece. It than skews the saws and moves them laterally as the board passes through them at 1100 feet per minute. By doing this it eliminates the need for the board to be perfectly aligned as it enters the edger. Example: If the board if skewed 3 degrees than the saws will skew 3 degrees and move laterally so as to cut the board perfectly down its center. This is all controlled hydraulically and at high speed. There are three saws in the edger. It will cut either one or two boards dependent on value based computation. It's pretty cool actually.
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