One thing I've been dying to brag about is the great real-time playlist management features in the Karma.

First of all, the "now and next" screen (renamed something different in the Karma) has more entries than the empeg does because of the higher rez, it has the artist as well as the track name, and it shows the prior track above the current track. (Seeing those things implemented in real life, I now know why they didn't do them on the lower-rez empeg. Wouldn't have worked. But works on the Karma.)

When you're in this screen, you can press the wheel and get a little menu of things to do. You can use the wheel to re-order the tunes right there on the screen (very nifty and intuitive, and fun, when you try it), you can choose to insert tunes by artist and such using their full track-selection interface. You can delete tunes from the running order right there as well. Then when you're all done mucking about with the order, you can save it as a playlist.

All of this without interrupting the playback of the current song.
Tony Fabris