No problem! It wasn't a terribly smart thing for them to do, since many people aren't looking down there. Of course, the fact that changing their site around just a little caused buzz from /. might have been enough to sell some copies of the Pro edition, so maybe we'll see better encoding jobs out there.

I have grown incredibly frustrated with the quality of encodes out there. I often download TV shows that I've missed, and some people either have no idea how to encode something, they don't check the result before posting it, or they think that if it looks fine to them since they have some bizzare codec installed, it's fine. I've gotten tons of videos that have video that freezes up in the first 2 seconds, while the audio plays fine in the background. I'd say that if these videos don't work on the 5 players I've tried on my PC, and can't be opened with any video editing program, it's a bad encode. Grr.

That's why it's good to use one of the "standards." I'm not a QT fan because of the player, and I'm not a Real fan because of everything about it. I like WMP because it loads quickly, isn't bloated or bubbly, and plays things well (I'm talking about 6.x). That, and going to full-screen appears to be easier than other programs, which is a big issue since that's how I view all my videos.