First part. Create a batch file in Notepad. Name it "launchdvd.bat". Save it in "c:\program files\launchdvd".

Inside the batch file make it:

@echo off
start c:\program files\tvtool\tvtool.exe
start c:\program files\powerdvd\powerdvd.exe

(Note that you need to put the correct paths and filenames for powerdvd and tvtool in there, I don't know what they really are).

Then you need to figure out how to associate inserted DVDs with a program. Right now it's associated with powerdvd. I'm not exactly sure how to do it from the Windows GUI (perhaps someone else can fill that part in). Another way you could do it is to try searching the registry for the powerdvd file name. There will be a bunch of false matches, but one of them will be the launching of powerdvd associated with your DVD drive. When you find it, you can edit it to point to c:\program files\launchdvd\launchdvd.bat.

Finally, PowerDVD might have a feature where it re-associates itself with the registry each time it runs. That's probably an option in its menus somewhere, so if it's there, disable that.

That should be all you need.

Note that I haven't tried this (don't have a DVD player on this PC), so I can't test it. But it should work.
Tony Fabris