Anybody know of any kind of online service that does large amounts of storage and allows for internet upload?

What I basically need is a kind of virtual U-Stor-It Self Storage.
A secure backed up location where I can store my photos. Not just snapshots but art photos. I do backups here on my local PC to CD but I wouldnt mind paying a fee for a couple of GB somewhere safe and secure that is regularly backed up.

My photos are large. Very large. And I've got quite a lot of them. My needs certainly exceed the usual 200-500MB offered by most hosting services. A casual glance at my larger storage drive shows 4.2 GB of data. I would guesstimate that 7-10 GB would probably last me a year or so.

Anybody know what I mean?
If something like this does exist it'll probably end up being too costly anyway, but I figure its still worth taking a look.
My thanks in advance.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.