It questioned 800 people for the poll, two days before targeting 261 individuals for distributing songs on the internet without permission.
In the survey, 52% said they supported the music industry's position, while 21% said they did not support it.

In other news;

Recently 416 top music executives concluded a 3 day conference at the Hilton Bahamas Resort. A spokesman said that the conference had been a great sucess and that they were considering making it an annual event. Not everyone was happy though - there were reports that the other 168 guests were unhappy with the conference. John Milton (51) from Hackney said,
"I' was crazy. Me 'n' the missus packed the kids orf to the in-laws fer the week so we could get way on our own like. We ain't 'ad 'n 'oliday on our own since li'l Gary came along an' we fawt our silver anniversary were the perfec' time to do it. Those music people were like, in yer face all the bleedin time, know whatta mean?
Three in the bleedin' mornin' an' we gotta put up w' the bleedin' Spice Girls. I like 'em, I mean, I really do, that Posh Spice, she's a bit orf alright...know whatta mean?, but at three in the bleedin' mornin'. 'N you couldn' get near the pool fer those pissed up tossers tartin' themselves around all the time. We fawt we were gettin' a luvvely 'oliday away from it all, bit o' piece 'n' quiet like, but it were more like Butlins or bleedin' Benidorm."
None of the resorts 216 staff would officially comment. One staffer who wished to remain anonymous said,
"We're not supposed to talk to the press. If I get seen talking to you I'll get fired."
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