Someone might say that making statements and comments that go against the flow will only serve to divide.
d33zY, I would never say such a thing, nor would Bitt or anyone else here, I'll bet. Bitt and I disagree on may things and have been more than happy to discuss them. I'm a pretty conservative guy myself and agree with a lot of the points you try to make. However, many times it's not what you say but how you say it. Whether you intend or not, you come off as beligerant and uncaring. I do know of a specific incident of this, but will refrain from linking to it as it wasn't targeted toward me.

Because of this attitude I have made the mistake of jumping on you too quickly before, assuming the worst. This is a lesson I have learned: to let people's words speak for themselves and not assuming things that aren't being spoken.

That aside, however, if you want your views to be taken seriously (here or anywhere) you need to learn how to communicate them in a respectful manner. Putting down the "other side" constantly is not going to win anyone over to your viewpoint. While the liberals here on this board have plenty of negative things to say about conservative thinking in general, I have rarely felt attacked personally for my ideas, even when we differ so greatly.

This is all not to say that you haven't made some genuinely interesting points and enriched conversations. I feel that you have. The problem is that when people start perceiving a poor attitute from you, they stop listening to anything you're saying.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.