Moving in with Jenni proves to have both positives and negatives. On the minus side, because we don't have that much room, I'll have to let her use my computer. On the plus side, this means that I can plug her monitor into the second port on my video card, giving me more screen real estate.

I'm still experimenting with it, but it seems like it'll be quite useful while hacking, for leaving MSDN open and stuff like that.

So, two questions:

1. Any tips for actually using 2 monitors. I've currently got the (smaller) secondary monitor to the left of my main monitor, but it's proving annoying that when I go to click on the Start button, e.g., the mouse keeps going. Should I swap the monitors over and put the secondary display on the right, maybe?

2. On X, with mutliple (virtual) desktops, you can apply a "stickiness" to the desktop edges, to make it harder to mouse over into the other desktop. Can I do something similar on Windows XP?
-- roger