Good call, Bootster.

Yeah, Tony, when you play the Empeg through your home computer, is its volume turned all the way up to 0db? You should be able to play it that loud and bring the volume down on your sound card.

Also, other things to check involve grounding, inductive noise, and power supply isolation.

First: Are all your computer peripherals plugged into grounded outlets?

Second: Have you tried plugging the Empeg's power supply into a different outlet?

Third: Have you made sure that your audio and USB cabling isn't wrapped up next to the video cable running to the CRT? Or wrapped up with the power wires? Inductive noise could be a factor.

Fourth: Is the Empeg plugged into the wrong input on the sound card? It should be going to the sound card's LINE INPUT, not its microphone input.

Let us know if you get anywhere with this.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris