Funny that you reply right now. I just got finished not more than ten minutes ago running Disc Builder on my 2 drives. I loaded 2.00RC and synced a few times before trying to load any music. Currently, I am uploading about 1000 tracks to the freshly formatted drives. The fact that 3.0 Alpha hosed my player is not really an issue for me. I like yourself meant my post to warn others of what happened to me and save others from any problems that I went through. I really needed to get my playlists straightened out anyway. My folders on my PC are nice and neat so I am just gonna start copying & pasting the new file structure into Emplode. I am still tempted to load 3.0 Alpha on once I get all my music back on the player. It worked fine until I tried to load music on it. So if I need to load music I can just revert back to 2.00RC. Then again, maybe I'll just load it on my spare unit to play around with where nothing major will get messed up. By the way I don't know where you are right now, but the Yankees just tied it up in the 8th and I can hardly type at this point..........WARNING: Block your Eyes and Ears..........

.GOOOOOO YANKEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MK2 12Gb
MK2a 60Gb