Ok I'll try again
Karma, Rio, Ipod, Archos, Neo, the list goes on and on. I am looking for hard Fact from people that do own or have owned them.

Everytime I search the Boards I seem to find a New Mp3 player I have neaver heard of my head is swimming All of the players seem to have both people that love and people that hate them I need input.

My perfect one would plug into my head unit and have video or svideo out but I can't seem to find one of them. ( I would love to see a Empeg Remote Unit with video out but I can't afford to buy someone a new sports car to have one made)


Readability of Display ?
Crashes ?
pros and Cons
Useability of interface ??

P.S. No I can't buy back my Empeg I wish I could and I can't sell my car too many miles and I am upside-down nearly 4000 Dollars so untill middle of 2004 I am stuck

P.P.S.S. I drive a Tiny S-10 Blazer and I do mean Tiny. with my clothes, tools and parts into you need to step outside to change you mind. there is NO ROOM for a second DIn and No room in the glove box for any more then a sandwish and a soda

P.P.P.S.S.S 90% of the center console is the cd-changer and the brain for the head Unit.

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