...Site popups, that is. As we move around the US, we are often having to rely on a slow dial-up connection to get email, browse the web, etc. I have found that there are several sites I have been looking for information on that spawn loads of sodding popups, most of which seem to be trying to sell me deviant sex. Normally, at home with a broadband connection, such a thing isn't as much of a nuisance, since they come up immediately, and can be instantly killed. Irritating, but no more so than most of the normal web experience nowadays.

However, when you're working on a modem link, the damn things load very slowly, often as background pages, and the first you know about it is when your link speed drops to a crawl. Close the main browser windows, and oh look, fifty million other windows sitting there with half loaded half naked (or often completely naked) women, men, sheep, god knows what else. What's the best way of preventing this behaviour? Is there one?

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...