Second, how is the sound quality on the DVD?
It is an accurate representation of what they really do sound like live. In other words, not all that great for the last 15 years or so. Their live sound used to be fantastic in the old days, and it kind of went downhill in the late 80's. On this last tour, the sound improved a bit, but it's not particularly great.

My problem with the DVD is that, despite having read somewhere that it was going to be widescreen, it's not.

And note that I don't mean letterbox widescreen, I mean anamorphic 16:9 enhanced widescreen. It's letterbox. Letterbox looks like crap on my TV, only a proper anamorphic master looks good.

But in terms of the performances, I think it's really good. I've only seen about the first 1/3 of the DVD, but I was really amazed at how well they were playing. There were some moments where I was thinking "Wow, that's the best I've ever seen Neil play that bit..." or similar things.

And the way the DVD is shot, edited, and produced seems really good. It's just the non-anamorphic letterbox transfer that's the problem.
Tony Fabris