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Just downloaded eclipse and seem to have gotten your projects imported (less rmm and tests)

Yeah -- i share testcases between jEmplode and RMMLite, so there are some cross dependencies in there. You could probably just remove the dependency on the "rmmlite" project and delete the offending java's that don't compile.

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Noticed that the v47 src has:
public static String VERSION_STRING = "46";

This is in I just grabbed the source zip and it says 47. You sure you got the latest? Maybe there's another rogue version string floating around -- what file is that in?

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Wondered why the debugger was showing V46 for a while...

Something's definitely funky ... It's possible the jemplode.jar you have in your classpath to resolve some of those missing dependencies might be overriding the source files? I would doubt that, but i suppose it's possible -- might want to check the project build order to make sure source comes first?

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PS Eclipse looks great!

By far the best Java IDE, IMO. It's fast and incredibly featureful ... the refactoring tools are just amazing.
