I'm going to say this one last time, and then there will be no further discussion on the topic because it's going in the readme file:

If you don't like it using all the CPU, then instead of complaining, please do the following: Locate a piece of Visual Basic code which will download a file from a web site, directly into memory, without using the hard disk, and without using blocking calls. Oh, and without requring me to license and distribute a third party DLL.

The hard disk and blocking call thing comes because I'm using the IE "URLDownloadToFile" API to retreive the screen shot. As soon as I don't have to use that, then I don't have to sit in a loop waiting for the file to finish downloading, and the whole issue will go away.

I can't find code examples to do what I need, the only code examples I've seen use URLDownloadToFile.
Tony Fabris