
Okay. From a fresh boot, going into the shell, changing the disks to read/write and running the player application will look like a boot - or at least a player start...

Oh! My error.

I think you have a corrupted database file. The goal here was to rewrite the database / tags / playlists files. Try the following...

a) boot
b) drop to shell
c) rw
d) rwm
e) cd /drive0/var
f) mv playlists playlists.old [get the old, possibly bad files out of the way]
g) mv database database.old
h) mv tags tags.old
i) player [this should take a lot longer, as it will regenerate the files we renamed above]
j) q [exit the player app, back to your original shell]
k) ls /drive0/var [hopefully, you should see both sets - the newly created files and the .old files]
l) rom
m) ro
n) exit [hopefully, you will now see the playlists through the player app]
o) reboot [final check]
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs