Okay, so now I've gotten pulled to the dark side. (Not of the moon, either.) I'm re-ripping my CD collection in FLAC.. Since the Karma can handle it, and the Empeg is rumored to (haven't tried it yet).. However, Have a question..
Is there a good FLAC -> MP3 encoding program? Using LAME frontend and the FLAC frontend (for windows) seperately. I'd LIKE a program that converted FLAC to MP3, and *KEPT* my tags from the FLAC to Mp3. Save ALOT of typing.. I was surprused at first to note that the LAME frontend couldn't handle FLAC file as input..


[Edit: I should mention, to the inevitable answer, 'Why not let it download the info from freedb?' is this: I have alot of songs on Dj mix CDs, Radio-only CDs, and 12-inch Vinyl that either aren't in the freedb/cddb databases (CDs..) or can't be. (Vinyl..) So I'm stuck entering in the info..]

Edited by foxtrot_xray (27/11/2003 14:05)
Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper