Sorry, but much as Mozilla has improved over the years it still lags behind IE in a several areas that keep me with IE. Some of them are:

- it is still just a little bit slower than IE (only a bit, but it is noticable on the machines I use much of the time that are PII300 based)
- most websites are designed to look good on IE, meaning that using Mozilla can lead to a slightly quirky user experience at times (a good example is the text box I am typing into at the moment, the text is twice as big when using Mozilla as when I am using IE)
- some bits of Mozilla's UI are still very odd (again this text box is another good example, the caret doesn't site just to the right of the last letter typed, it overlaps the right hand pixels of the last letter typed with a negative effect, very distracting)

I do use Mozilla occasionally, mainly to check websites I am working on to make sure they aren't completely f**cked on anything other than IE. It does seem to get better with every version, but it is not quite there yet for me.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday