I’m not sure how many guitar players we’ve got here, but there have to be at least a few. I’m looking at getting my first electric guitar soon, and I’d like some advice.

My situation: I’ve been playing guitar for years, mostly acoustic, though in high school my dad did have an old Kramer guitar I used to mess around with. I currently play a Martin D-28 and use as my primary instrument live, though I do play electric on a few songs. Our style is folk/pop to folk/rock, and it is the more rocking songs on which I play electric. Currently for shows I use a friend’s Mexican Strat (w/ modifications) through my POD with his floorboard.

So my questions:
Single Coil or Humbucker? What is the real difference between the two? From what I’ve read it sounds like Humbuckers are better, but I’m a little concerned that the sound might be overpowering when I’m playing a more “textured” electric part behind the other guitarist’s acoustic. However, on at least two songs the electric guitar is out front with a lot of distortion and very much the lead rock instrument.

Maple or Rosewood neck? What is the real difference, or does it matter?

Finally, I’m trying to stay at or below $600, though I might be as willing to go as high as $800 if what I really need is an American Strat. Any recommendations on a solid, usable guitar in that price range? I am very willing to buy a used guitar in good condition. So far I’ve been primarily looking at the Mexican Strats and Japanese Wolfgangs (you know, Eddie Van Halen’s guitar). Both are foreign made, but should that really matter? It does seem that there is more difference between the American/Mexican Strats than the American/ Japanese Wolfgangs. Because of our style I’m really looking for something that will texture well behind an acoustic as well as get out front and really rock.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!
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