Hrmm this thing is screwy.
Ok i read on the hyperterminal faq to try pressing CTRL+T then add power. So i did that and this time info showed up in hyperterminal, but i will still stuck in standby.

empeg-car bootstrap v1.02 20001106 ([email protected])
If there is anyone present who wants to upgrade the flash, let them speak now,
or forever hold their peace...
0000 empeg-car (issue9) board test version 0.05 <[email protected]>
0100 ram test starting
0110 testing ic 1 (0-15mb, low word)
0120 testing ic 2 (0-15mb, high word)
0101 memory error at (data abort vector)

Thats what showed up the first time, so i held ctrl+t again and took the power out and put it back in and the empeg came on fine.

ANyone know why its so screwy? im afraid to turn it back off.