Dean, on the other hand, really scares me.

Those are very good points, and, I think, are caused by some of the reasons I do like him. That he doesn't always have a prepared answer that he tries to fit into whatever question is asked of him. He seems to speak honestly. Some of that honesty is not what you (or I, much of the time) want to hear, but I appreciate that effort, or, maybe, lack of effort. But I agree that much of what he says is disconcerting.

Yes, some of the reasons I like him, too. My love isn't unconditional, though. He has made some stupid statements and the voids in his policy map are pretty apparent. As it seems pretty apparent that he will be the Democratic nominee, I hope Dean's ship will still float after his Democratic opponents get done with their cannon fire. Wesley seems less positioned for VP now, so Dean/Edwards?

The most disturbing bits coming out of the Dean camp haven't been bloopers so much as really horrible, transparent ploys -- stuff about Dean trotting out his religious convictions and relationship with Jesus. If these didn't seem like jaundiced, cynical, "southern strategy" types of moves, I would not be so close to throwing up.

Howard..... Howard!!!!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.