I'm sure everyone knows but me, Heather, but do you mind sharing your ancestry/origins?

No, no one else around here knows anything about that. All you people know is I'm female, fron NYC and I exploit people for a living.

As for the ancestry, as far back as I know of:

My father's father's mother was Persian/Iranian, his father was Croatian, hence the name. We had a little problem with the catholic church there, something about fraudulently selling absolution, so the family moved to Italy. Gramps was raised in Italy and considered himself an Italian. He moved to New York in the 1920's. My father's mother was German and came here around the same time also under some f'd up circumstances.

On my mother's side, her mother's mother was Mi'kmaq and her mother's father was Irish (moved to NY after she left her husband in the late 30's). My mother's father was Czech, he came over as a kid in 1918. He was the only legal immigrant of the lot.

No one ever guesses anything close to middle eastern, as I have very fair skin, which you can't really tell from that picture. Most guess Italian, probably because of the thick Bronx guido accent I have when speaking my native tongue (not the proper american the speech therapist taught me in college). Only recent immigrants from eastern europe come close to being right.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony