You're right that burn-in isn't an issue with the LCD and DLP projection sets. But off axis viewing isn't nearly as bad as with CRT sets. The bulb projectors are so much brighter then CRT that they don't need to use the high gain (and, thus, highly directional) screens. It does degrade off axis but doesn't become a problem, IMO, until you are at extreme angles. It's not like a CRT where you stand up and the image loses half it's brightness.

I own the 42" Sony LCD GWIII. It's the same generation of LCD as that XBR linked in the first post. I'm real happy with the TV for my situation but DWallach is right that the black level isn't so great. I bought the set to be a general purpose TV for our family room with lots of ambient light. As long as sunlight isn't hitting the screen directly it puts out enough light to be watchable. It has a very good anti-reflective screen. It does a good job with HD and SD signals. It has a very good widescreen stretch mode. (I never liked them either until I got this TV. But now it's how I usually watch.) And it looks very good on the matching Tech Craft stand.

When I'm not so thrilled with the TV is when I watch a movie or a dark TV show (CSI) with the lights out. This is when the high black level becomes noticable. With any ambient light, the effective floor for black level is defined by the room. But turn the lights out at night and absolute black on the TV is quite a bit higher then the surrounding blackness. This is not the best TV for lights out movei watching.

For the kind of money as the 60" XBR costs you should definitely consider the DLP sets. Which is better will depend on your viewing environment and price sensitivity. Some people see "rainbows" or get eyestrain from DLP projectors. You should make sure you're not one of these people. A lot of people at AVS report that the Samsung sets aren't very good with SD material. I don't know how real this is or if it's one of those forum folklore items that becomes self confirming.

But besides those possible issues DLP is a superior technology to LCD. The Gateway 55" DLP is like $3k now. I wouldn't expect it's performance to differ too much from the Samsung and it's a lot cheaper.