Learn how to change font sizes, it's really not that dificult.

It is not just font sizes that are the problem for people with non-perfect vision at high res on 14/15 inch screens. It is also things like toolbar buttons and other graphical elements, which will not magically get bigger by tweaking DPI settings.

Being a programmer who likes to have a double row of task bar buttons I would love my laptop to have more vertical screen resolution. It would be nice not to be programming through a letter box view on my code, but I my eyes can't cope with hi-res on a 14/15 inch screen.

I think it might be time for me to invest in a nice 21 inch CRT monitor, I've been living in the dark ages at 1024x768 for far too long. I would live to get a 19 inch LCD instead, but that probably won't happen because of the issues with colour reproduction, as I'll be retouching photos on it as well. The idea of a dual 21 inch CRT and 19 inch LCD appeals though...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday