
I am biased because I am a beta tester for the Karma. Full disclosure there...

I have had no hardware problems with either the hard disk or the wheel. But then, I have not dropped mine on the wheel or done any bouncy exercise while using the Karma either.

With the hard drive, keep in mind that it is just that - a mechanical device involving a read head, arm and rotating platters. While they can be insulated from shocks to some extent, it is still a mechanical storage medium that will a) have some percentage of failures and b) not like being shaken or dropped very much.

As for the wheel. I have read a number of reports of people having problems. I have not read postings of people not having problems. Unless you are someone making a point about not having problems, you very rarely see good posts of "everything's great" on the web.

There were some recommendations a while back about getting any extended warranty your retailer offers. I kind of agree with this - not because I think the Karma will break or that it is not well constructed: mine has always been very sturdy. But 90 days is pretty short, and it is nice to be covered if you do find that you have trouble later on.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs