Hi there over the pond.

I'd like to order a central from overstock.com, but it shows me this price for sending it to germany...

I'd be glad, if someone would order for me and send it via USPS or the cheapest option, shipping time doesn't matter. I think, if you sign it as a gift, i'd have to pay no taxes at all. It only has to be clear, that it is sent by a private person.
I would paypal you the money before you order.
robricc? or anybody else? Thad would be so kind....

BTW: what specs does the central power supply have? Does it switch to 240V 50Hz ?
cheers, Thomas new owner of the MK1 00123 MK2 12GB 090000815 (my first one) MK2a 040103735 (from 303) and ???