Another advantage would be you would be in a cold place the compressing of air natuarly gives you wasted energy in the form of heat which could be usd for heating.

I always thought that a compressed air car would be the way to go. But like electric cars it doesn't slove the problem it moves the problem.

Now Bio diesel which is basically vegtable oil now that does seem better to me due to basically zero Co2 emissions. Bio diesel is basically chemicaly treated vegtable oil which reduces the viscosity but if you increase the temp it also reduces viscosity to the point where you get reliable atomisation. The diesel engine was designed to run on basically anything and they do. On ships we run on what is basically a slightly thiner verson of road tar but i have heard of diesels running on coal dust and dryed aglae If you can get it into a burnble powder or fluid a diesel can problably run on it.

Oh yeah the original point about wireless keyboards, Why i never move my keyboard if the wire bothers you drill a hole under the keyboard and drop the cable through it. I do have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard but only for the laptop which i put down next to the two of them and bingo instant desktop.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland