I dispute the premise that the BBC does not carry commercials, they carry copious commercials......for the BBC, they irritate the hell out of me.

Even worse on BBC7, they have commercials to point out how great it is that they don't have commercials. Every 6.00 news carries a trailer for programming later in the evening.
However, that isn't to say that they don't, generally do a good job....a few less makeover programmes would be an advantage....and why are we thought to be obsessed by news gathering, is it by TV journalists for TV journalists?...a great deal of it is predictive anyway: Couldn't we just have what's happened and what's happening, not what the government are going to announce a week on tuesday?

I never watch commercial television, I always record it and jump through the breaks later, I record the news every six'o'clock, so I can wind through what I'm not interested in, special reports...another insidious item that's crept into news broadcasts, and stuff I've heard every hour and half hour throughout the day.

Rant Over, and none of this is, in any sense due to my having my transmitter and tape recorder confiscated by the General Post Office, for pirate transmitting in the 60's - putting the aerial up the fire escape of the BBC building in Wood Lane was a dare and, in retrospect, an error of judgement.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag