A friend of mine gave me his laptop to repair. Said it wouldn't start...I hit the power button and it started right up and booted into windows...he was perplexed and said it wouldn't do that last week. So I move on to the next problem...wireless network no longer working. I insert the 802.11b PCMCIA card into the slot and it goes in so far almost the entire antenna is inside the laptop. The laptop immediately turns itself off, and refuses to start again. At this point I realize that he left his wireless card in it while traveling and it received a pretty solid blow, shoving the card inside and busting up the internal mechanism. Of course he claims to know nothing about it.

So today I dismembered the laptop and as suspected, the PCMCIA socket is completely hosed. That's fine...if I can get the laptop going again, he can get a usb wireless adapter. I also see a bit more serious problem. When the socket got destroyed, it sheered a diode (I think...I'm not an EE) almost completely off the mainboard. I saw that it was crooked and gently touched it to see if it was loose and it immediately fell off. I'd like to replace it to see if I can't get the thing to boot again. I'm optimistic that it will since it booted before right before I figured out the socket issue. Fortunately, all of the pads are intact. Unfortunately one of the arms broke off the component.

I was wondering if any of you electronic gurus could help me figure out what I need to replace it. All I know about it is that it is marked D3 on the mainboard and that the marking on the component says 62Z. Thanks.
~ John