My road bike (titanium frame, Specialized tri-spoke carbon fiber wheels, Dura Ace components) used to be pretty fast, but I think something's gone wrong with it. Over the past few years, I've noticed it just keeps going slower and slower. Hills I used to be able to go up in a 42x15 now require a 42x21.
That reminds me... I have an English threaded Dura Ace bottom bracket for a triple ring crankset that I need to sell (it came in the frame).

I'll bet there's been tectonic shifting and the hills are steeper now. Yeah. That's gotta be it...
Well, you do live where there's a fair amount of cyclical ground freezing/thawing. If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I've lived where there's snow), that does cause a fair amount of ground upheave, so the hills probably are getting steeper.

I bet you'd be able to go faster if you shaved your legs. In the summer, anyway -- I doubt shaved legs would have much effect if you're all bundled up against the cold.