When I think of HS, I remember how important it was to be in the “in” crowd. I wasn’t, and I didn’t much care either. However, a lot of people did, and I’m very interested to find out what has happened to them now. The moment I stepped onto a college campus it was apparent that HS popularity wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on (and since it wasn’t printed on paper, that’s a pretty low value). Perhaps I want vindication or maybe it’s just my curiosity to see how the “popular” ones ended up after all these years. Either way, I must admit I’m interested in going. One person I’m really anxious to find out about is the guy who was second in our class (fricken brilliant and a totally nice guy) who went to the Naval Academy instead of many of the big schools that were courting him.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.