I've got a month off before this years Euro meet. I've almost decided what I'm going to do with it. I'm after ANY commments or advice people might have on the idea, I'm at the very early stages and I have never done anything like this before.

I want to take the Smart on a loop of Europe ending up in Amersfort. So I'll drive through France via Paris, head for Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, Milan, Vienna, Prague, Berlin and then to the Euro Meet. Thats about 4,700 miles to my estimation, quite a trip, but I will have a full month to do it.

I'm hoping to take someone with me to help with the driving and to chat to etc... although I've yet to confirm this. What I really want is adive or anythoughts on the preperation for a trip of this size, esp as the Smart has limited luggage space. Or any places that are good to visit or stay at on my route round. I'll have a tight budget so Youth Hostle type places will have to be used.

Am I bonkers for wanting to do this in the Smart???

