I think I recall empeg saying that the table on the second disk would never be touched - someone please correct me if I'm wrong here!

It is true that the .upgrade files won't touch the second disk drive's partition tables at all. However, there is something to consider.

If the drive ever gets moved to another empeg unit, or if you shift it from being the secondary drive to the primary drive on your current unit, then you need to be concerned if you've modified its partition tables.

I was forced into this situation when my primary hard disk (4gb) failed and I had to boot from the secondary hard disk (6gb) instead. This actually worked out really well because the second hard disk already had a bootable version of the Empeg software on it (from when I first installed it- see the FAQ on this for details). All I had to do was swap it into place and the Empeg worked again (albeit with fewer songs).

All in all, my understanding is that it's probably slightly dangerous to muck with the partition tables because the .upgrade files assume the partitions are all in specific places.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris