I managed to drill and tap it and use 10-32 screws to hold the bracket in place. I then cut the screws to length with a dremmel tool, so they are flush with the inside of the docking sled.

Cool, this is similar to what I did. Although on mine, I put the heads of the screws on the inside of the sled and used nuts on the outside so that I didn't have to do any dremel work. Works nicely in my case.

The amplifier "pops" when it gets turned off.

This might be a known problem, where all you need is a diode in the right place. If that's what it is, Empeg will supply you with the correct part to solve the problem- write [email protected] for more information. Hey, Dionysus, if you're listening, could you round up the latest posts on that subject and FAQ that one?

Then I discover that disconnecting either the front or the rear inputs from the amp makes the noise go away on the remaining speakers.

Hmm, I have a similar situation on my car. I solved the problem by using a 20-amp Ratshack noise filter on the primary power cable leading to both the amps and the Empeg. But in your case, it might simply be a ground loop between the front and rear channels. In the FAQ section of the BBS is a "common installation problems" thread, in it you'll find links to some noise-troubleshooting documents, give those a shot.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris