Mmm.. the web interface *should* still work, but I never use it because it's a Microsoft-only thing, or at least that was the case for much of it's early lifespan.

Note about the login prompt: Regardless of whether it says "Basic" or "Full", you can enter either userid..

Kinda weird that it would ask for Full, and then later demand Basic though.

I'll play with it some more when I get a chance, and we'll iron out such wrinkles.

Tony: for authentication, your app just has to include one more line in the HTTP header anytime it sends a request:

EDIT: correction:

Authorization: Basic userid:password

Note that the Basic keyword belongs there regardless of which userid the app wants to use (the basic or full access).

The wrinkle is that the userid:password has to be base64-encoded as per the HTTP specifications. A standalone routine to do this is included in the v381 patchfile (and full sources) for kftpd.c in Hijack. Just pull the C code from there and re-use it in your app. Since I wrote it, I hereby license it to you (tfabris) for free use/redistribution, with no GPL strings attached. Just replace "kmalloc()" with "malloc()" and it should work just fine.


Edited by mlord (15/04/2004 13:51)