I thought this would be a good spot for my questions. My girlfriend and I will be flying to London on May 22nd and staying in a hostel of sorts in Picadilly Circus or thereabouts. We will tour the city for a few days, then take side trips to a few places in England. One of them is Cambridge. My parents have visited before and thought it was a nice place, and I guess I just want to pick up on the empeg zen of it all. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if some folks here could recommend some nice sites in Cambridge, and possibly a nice, inexpensive place to stay. We are in a situation now where I don't have to ask for anyone for a place to stay, like I was in an earlier post.

My other question is about travel. My girlfriend is a meticulous planner. I've tried explaining the differences in European train travel, but it doesn't seem to help. Basically I'm asking Cambridge residents whether or not you think we'd need to make reservations on trains to and from London, and how often they run.

I then have one more question, also about train travel, and this does require planning. See, we plan on ending our stay in the UK in Cambridge, so we need to know if it's possible to travel from Cambridge to London then to Paris by Eurostar. I know we need reservations for the Eurostar, but guess I need to know it's possible to get to Paris at a reasonable hour for checking into a hotel/hostel.

Thanks for your help.