I recently bought a 50" Hitachi LCD projection TV. On my old TV, I had to hook up all my individual components (DVD player, VCR, Tivo, etc) to the receiver since there was only one input on my TV. However, now since I bought a new TV, I thought I would be able to hook up all my components to the TV and still play them through my receiver. However, there are a few problems. One, the DVD player needs to be hooked up via optical cable which causes the second problem. If I switch between television inputs, the sound for the dvd is still playing (since there is no digital input on the TV.) I could just use the receiver for DVDs, however, I want to use it for regular television as well(especially since regular television looks like crap since I don't have HD or satellite.) Has anyone figured out a way around this or is there something I am doing wrong?