I understand your point about having to pull an uncached copy of an image every time. Mine's only 2k which I can certainly reduce, but if everyone did it, then that'd be a big issue - so good point.

The wrapping issue can easily be changed. I was considering using a pixel font in the image creation and reducing the image width to something along the lines of 150pixels. I couldn't imagine many people squishing the bbs window down that small. Still, a good point, though.

But can you truly say "we don't care what you're listening to?" I imagine there are people who could care less what I'm listening to, but this is a music centric bbs, isn't it? I, for one, am always interested in what others are listening to. I find it extremely valuable information for expanding my musical interests and tastes beyond what I'm used to. I would imagine others would feel the same.

Because of the uncached image point, though, I think I'll pass on it. A way to display that info as text would be cool, though. But that'd require executing code every time a post is rendered - also could be a drag.
- trs