Well, I certainly hope you turn out to be wrong in saying that, but I have to admit....this is most often what has happened to nearly every other company I've ever seen that has either grown to large size or been purchased by a big entity. Its just the way business works. The bigger a company gets...the less efficient it becomes....although capable of doing even greater things.

I suspect that this new change will Enable S3 to developer and manufacture a car MP3 player that simply blows away the current Mark II, but frankly...the support will eventually creep away. This would have happened regardless of whether Empeg was purchased or not....as Empeg grew into a larger company. Its just the way it always seems to happen.

Again, I hope we're wrong and that the Empeg continues to be a techie geek's wonder toy with all the support and developer access we've come to enjoy. However..more than likely S3 is going to try to develop something that they can sell for a lower pricepoint to reach a larger audience. Which isn't such a bad thing really. If the Mark II were only $500 and held only 100 hours of music...it would still blow away the Nomad...

Congradulations to the founders of Empeg...you've definitely deserved the financial success you are soon about to enjoy! Kudos!
