For example, after spending about 3 seconds typing "Screaming Trees" into E-Mule
That's assuming:

a) I would ever use E-Mule (I've sworn off all those P2P systems as you never get what you want, at least never at acceptable speeds)

b) I'm not a huge fan and collector.

Yeah, you can look at this and say "It's dumb to pay $100 when I can get it for free." But I look at it in the way that I now have the rarest album in the catalog of my favorite band of all time. I have the sleeve, I have the vinyl, I have the insert which is in mint condition - suprising for an 18 year old album.

So yes, your point is fine for some people. Me, I'm the type that probably won't move toward digital music stores. I'm one of those "I like the artwork" types.

The RIAA is laughing their ass off right now. I understand collecting, but I will NEVER pay premium for an out of print album. Frankly I have problems with paying ANYTHING for an album the record company isn't interested in selling to me
Why is the RIAA laughing at my private purchase?

Edited by DiGNAN17 (20/06/2004 11:02)