I keep hearing this and the same goes for me too.... the wrath of the wife would be too much to bear if I jacked up the Tivo trying to do something she would consider "unnecessary". It's not that she would be pissed about the shows being gone, it's the inconvience of being down for a few days or more. However, when they come up with a hack to reliably add HMO to DTivos, I'm there!!! Right now I have recording redundancy all throughout my house just so I can watch what I want, when I want and where I want. Yeah, most of the time I'll watch Leno in the bedroom, but sometimes I'd prefer to be on the couch downstairs. I think HMO is a no brainer for people who have more than one DTivo. Actually, for me, it would replace the need for video extraction too.
Bodybag - So Cal
Not a Whiner any more!!!