you have to think about the other hand, too... is there not a reason that you're being taxed?

here in Ontario, Canada, there's 15% tax. That's right, 15 bloomin percent. 7% goes to the federal govermnent, and 8% to the provincial government. Our gas prices, however, are well over 40% tax. (I filled up the other day at the equivalent of $2.20 a gallon - and that was a *damn good* price compared to everywhere else at 2.40+)

But that paid for my (lacking, but still available) public school system. That paid for the road I drive on, the hospital I go to (though it's slightly different when it comes to hospitals in the US).

Paying taxes I don't have a huge problem with (though, if I spend $40 on $24 worth of gas - with the rest going to the govm't...I do have a problem there) however the handling of taxes is my beef. I'm also paying the 150,000+ salaries of cabinet ministers who work a total of >2 months in a year. I'm paying for the millions of dollars spent on advertising; and I'm paying for millions of dollars that are mismanaged or whathaveyou, instead of doing things that the government promised to do.