Thanks, Hugo, I'm checking them out now... I know why you like them: They have one of those irritatingly trendy names that starts with a lower case letter.

Since you have obviously been using their service for a little while, and I can't see any easy-to-obtain information on their web site about this, perhaps I can ask you:

What do you get with the "upgraded" version of their service? I can already assume that the adware disappears from the synch box, and I can assume that you get more than four megs of server storage. But are there any feature changes?

The reason I ask is:

Right now, the thing can only synch folders. I'm already in a position where I need to synch individual files in some cases, and it might actually be damaging to my system if I synch the entire folder in this case. An option would be to use the "exclude" lists to exclude extensions that I don't want synched, but those don't seem to be editable. Is there a solution to this in the pay-subscription version of the product?

I did read through their FAQ looking for these answers, but didn't find them. Before I started mailing their support staff I thought I'd ask another user. So do you happen to know the answer to this?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris