Slightly strange system though; I can see the idea of controlling a DVD autochanger is ok for DVDs (if you're really that lazy; listening to a 3 minute song without having to load a CD is justification for a CD changer, but watching a 90 minute movie without getting up to load the machine smacks of over-automation to me!)... but why the 400 disc changer for CDs? I mean, you can auto-rip them at 1x, but it's not exactly a cheap option for a one-shot operation!

The whole DVD thing is probably just due to it being very easy to implement, and personally I don't see the point in having say both a CD player and DVD player. For those people who want all their CD based music in one machine, it works out perfectly. The ones I have seen have easy access for inserting the one DVD to be watched. I'm just wondering what ones can deal with "flipper" movies. (Lucially I haven't seen any recent ones, but a few of my first DVDs were annoyning enough to do this.)

The things that a DVD autochanger lead to down the road are quite cool though. One box in the basement, and movies anywhere in the house for example. One day I hope a company like SonicBlue will see this. The new Replay unit is nice, but costly for every room, and does just broadcast TV, and not music or DVDs. I just want a central server and a $100 box for every room.

$1800 for their hub though, thats a bit much for me to even consider with the current setup in my home.