Well, doing what you just described would take me a very long time to delete a lot of stuff. I would have to open up each artist and each album and select-all delete the songs...then their parent playlists, one at a time. Its a pain any which way you slice it.

Not only that, but you would have to do this procedure you described once for each level of the hierarchy..not just the tune level. (If you have two levels deep playlist and delete the top level, you leave orphan playlists behind as well)

At the very least, let me group select playlists and attempt to delete everything, including underlying songs....and have the system warn me first if it thinks I am about to delete a bunch of stuff I may not want to delete. Or have a special override flag so that I can FORCE it to recursively delete everything downwards...rather than just deleting the playlist...leaving a bunch of orphans lying around. It made such a mess that way..