1. I only own 1 rio reciever so I'm not going to be able to work on this feature. If someone wants to hook me up with a nother one, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to accomplish this. I've tried buying another one off ebay, but used ones are still going for like $200 and that's beyond my budget.

2. This would require buying the display, which will probably cost like $100, and opening up the rio, as the serial port is on the inside. I'm not too sure people want to do this. I do have an alterrnative approach. With regards to the weather forcast feature, I'm going to be making it such that rather than displaying the current weather, it will pause the audio and you'll hear the conditions out loud. Same could be true for caller id info.

but thanks for the suggestions. again, if someone wants to hook me up with a second rio, please do so