Very nice indeed. Ogg support does work but it skips a bit on some of the files I have. Probably too high of a quality rate and/or they were encoded using an older version of ogg than 1.x. The shoutcast streams addition is sweet. The way the stream URL's are now, JReceiver doesn't appear to know how to deal with them. I used to be able to get absolute URL's but now the links all appear to redirect you using a script. Shoutcast titles...also very very sweet. It's nice to see what is actually playing on a shoutcast stream.

OK, I'll shut up now. I am very very excited over RioPlay :-) Since most of what I listen to is Ogg or Shoutcast, this has been a very welcome replacement for transcoding in JReceiver.

Thanks for the incredible work to all of the developers involved.

